
In a world where nearly half of the population (43 percent) places an emphasis on quality when making food purchases, according to research firm Canadean, DSM works diligently to develop and deliver the highest quality ingredient products.  

The Quality for Life™ 
promise and our Quali® seals reinforce the quality and safety standards behind our superior ingredients.

We often say that DSM is the largest company that consumers do not know. This is ironic considering a mere two pounds of our vitamin A (Quali®-A) can be added to a million cereal bars, three million eggs or eight metric tons of infant formula, reaching 9,000 infants. Our reach is global and significant, so our products – the vitamins, minerals and ingredients you depend on daily – must be of exceptional quality.

The way to establish and maintain consumers’ trust is to ensure Quality, Reliability, Traceability and Sustainability throughout the complex food, supplement and personal care production processes. And, this is what we do – give you peace of mind.

You can trust DSM to bring you products that are consistent in quality and high in purity.