Video: From Daughter to Mother – A Conversation about Nutrition
How do kids feel about nutrition? Hear what 10-year-old Olivia has learned from her mom, registered dietitian and chef, Abbie Gellman.
Every mamma-to-be knows that eating well during pregnancy is essential for feeling good and giving your baby a head-start in life. In addition to providing nutrients for you and your baby, a nutritious diet also helps to optimize your gut microbiome.
Our microbiome is a complex ecosystem of bacteria, viruses and microbes that colonize our skin, mouth and gut. With approximately 40 trillion bacteria inside every one of us, our microbiome is believed to have a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. (1) Although our microbiome is continually changing based on age, stress, illness, our environment and the food we eat, we share our microbiome with a growing baby, which plants the seeds for baby’s future microbiome.
Remember though, that probiotic supplements alone won’t undo the damage done by a poor diet, so focus on choosing nutritious foods, limiting sugar and bad fats, gaining appropriate amounts of weight and speak to a prenatal dietitian or your obstetrician if you require additional assistance or are looking to add a daily probiotic supplement to your diet.
Follow Quality for Life on Facebook @QFLHealth to hear the latest nutrition tips, trends and research from leading experts.
How do kids feel about nutrition? Hear what 10-year-old Olivia has learned from her mom, registered dietitian and chef, Abbie Gellman.
Food should always come first when looking for ways to optimize a healthy diet, but that can be easier said than done – especially for those who have specific dietary preferences or picky taste buds. ReVite® makes it easy to optimize nutrition with its Super B Fizzy and vitamin D supplements with Quali® ingredients.
In 2017, DSM received two A ratings for climate change and water. There were only 25 companies worldwide that achieved a double A-rating. Learn more about DSM’s sustainability efforts.
Food manufacturers are now required to list vitamin D content on their labels. So now you can see how much you're getting from your food. And it probably isn't enough. Learn more from the Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Michael Roizen.
Research continues to demonstrate that the gut microbiome can impact digestive function, immune function and even mood. Read more to learn how you can optimize your digestive tract.
Good nutrition is the foundation of good health and good health is especially important for women because it affects the health of their children and future generations.
Pregnancy is a critical time for a woman to ensure that she eats well – this is important for her health and that of her baby. Healthy eating during pregnancy in fact determines her child’s future in many ways.
Vitamin deficiencies may be more prevalent in the U.S. than you may have thought. New research suggests nearly a third of U.S. adults may be at risk of deficiency for at least one vitamin.
Registered dietitian and accomplished author Elizabeth Somer shares how to protect your eyes from the sun and during screen time.
When it comes to selecting the top nutrients for brain health, there are 5 that you don’t want to forget.
05 September 2019
How do kids feel about nutrition? Hear what 10-year-old Olivia has learned from her mom, registered dietitian and chef, Abbie Gellman. Read More
Food should always come first when looking for ways to optimize a healthy diet, but that can be easier said than done – especially for those who have specific dietary preferences or picky taste buds. ReVite® makes it easy to optimize nutrition with its Super B Fizzy and vitamin D supplements with Quali® ingredients. Read More
In 2017, DSM received two A ratings for climate change and water. There were only 25 companies worldwide that achieved a double A-rating. Learn more about DSM’s sustainability efforts. Read More
Food manufacturers are now required to list vitamin D content on their labels. So now you can see how much you're getting from your food. And it probably isn't enough. Learn more from the Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Michael Roizen. Read More
Research continues to demonstrate that the gut microbiome can impact digestive function, immune function and even mood. Read more to learn how you can optimize your digestive tract. Read More
Good nutrition is the foundation of good health and good health is especially important for women because it affects the health of their children and future generations. Read More